You Can Cope. We Can Help.
Dealing with cancer isn’t just about treatment and surgery – it’s a major change in the way you live.
With the help of our social workers, patients and their families learn to adjust to life after a cancer diagnosis. Our social workers are licensed in oncology, so they’re especially trained to handle the unique challenges facing cancer patients.
The first step is a patient assessment, where a social worker will identify any issues that may be preventing a patient from coping with the disease. From there, we can help find ways to adjust to a life with – and after – cancer.
For More Information: Call 817.288.9800 and ask to speak to our social worker Hailey Wilshire, LCSW, OSW-C (pictured).

Social workers can assist in many ways:
- Referring to community resources for respite, home health care, or medical equipment
- Discussing how to apply for Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare D, and/or COBRA
- Helping you join a support group
- Exploring resources available to you for information, support, and financial assistance
- Helping when you are feeling overwhelmed and just wanting to talk about it with someone who is knowledgeable, compassionate, and patient
- Providing information on finding long-term care, assisted living, or hospice services
- Keeping others updated about your cancer experience without wearing yourself out
- Planning and preparing for the experience of cancer treatment
- Thinking about advance directives: Living Will and Medical Durable Power of Attorney
- Understanding your workplace rights when you have cancer